Saturday, January 21, 2012

Movie Reviews

The ★ Scale:
★ = Don't waste your time.
★★ = Possibly wasting your time. Your choice.
★★★ = Recommend.
★★★★ = Highly recommend.
★★★★★ = Watch it! Or else.

Body of Lies: Not impressed. This movie could not keep my intention for more than two minutes at a time. Pinterest was much more entertaining. :-) I may just be over the terrorist movies, but I was definitely hoping for something more especially since Leo and Russel are the stars.

The Green Hornet: Again, I was hoping for more. I love superhero/action movies and Seth Rogen, but this movie was another disappointment. I gave it 2 stars instead of just 1 because there were a couple of funny parts and I did not browse Pinterest as much during this one.

Gosford Park: Netflix brought this movie to my attention since I liked Downton Abbey so much and I enjoyed it. At first, it was a little overwhelming, there are a lot of characters and fast dialogue, but as the movie goes on, you get a clearer picture of things. There are a lot of stars in this movie, like Helen Mirren, Clive Owen, and Maggie Smith... so there is great acting. I wasn't really impressed with the romantic stories within the film and some scenes seemed to go by too quick, while others lasted too long. Overall, it was an entertaining flick.

TV Show:
Lastly, I need to say, Archer is back on. Love that show! It's inappropriate, crazy, hilarious, but it is filled with a very specific (some may describe it as stupid) humor that you will either love or hate. My husband and I both love it! It's on FX on Thursdays at 10 PM.

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