Monday, January 16, 2012

House Tip: Removing labels from metal containers

This past holiday season blessed me with lots of goodies, including some decorative tins that I wanted to save and reuse for next year.

This tin was filled with delicious peppermint popcorn from the Popcorn Factory.

The problem: there were stickers/labels on the bottoms of them that were not so attractive. I tried the soaking in hot water trick, but the labels did not budge.... they seemed to get more annoying and messy.

The label was nutrition information about the popcorn inside.
So I did what any modern person does when faced with a problem like this and I turned to Google. I found a random message board where someone said using furniture polish will do that trick, so I tried it...

I soaked that bad boy.
I took care of some other things around the house while I let this soak - probably an hour or so. Then, I used a kitchen scrapper I randomly picked up forever-ago from Bed, Bath, and Beyond for 75 cents. You could probably use a plastic utensil or dish cleaner.

Adios label!! It came off super easy! Once the adhesive was all scrapped off, I just scrubbed the the residue off with a dish brush and hot soapy water.

See. I told you it was from the Popcorn Factory.
VoilĂ ! No more giant label. Even though the Popcorn Factory info is still on it, I think it looks much better than a giant sticker. I also did another tin with a smaller label, so now I have two tins I can reuse next year! 

Happy reusing!!

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