About Me

Hey there! Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog. I am The Haught Lady!

The Haught Lady = Me

A little about me... I was born and raised in the suburbs of DC - Northern Virginia or NOVA as locals like to call it. I am the youngest of three girls and could not imagine getting through life without my two big sisters. I now live in North Carolina and love it! I am married to the man of my dreams and we have a dog named Cookie. I have a lot of family that includes step-parents, in-laws, and extended relatives that mean a lot to me. I am sure they will all be mentioned or photographed somewhere in this blog at some point. Laughing is my favorite activity and I am a strong believer in things happen for a reason. That is a very general description of myself, but please read my posts or contact me directly to discover more about me!

My Haught man and sweet Cookie

On my blog you will find recipes, house projects/tips, stories, videos, and anything else I feel like posting. I do not claim to be an expert in anything, but I thought it would be fun to start sharing my experiences as I navigate my way through my quarterlife life. I have fun with everything I do and hope you will find the things I share helpful and/or entertaining. Enjoy!